How you can make a complaint

Situations that might warrant a complaint include:

  • Lost, delayed or missing mail, parcel or freight
  • Damaged goods on arrival
  • Poor customer or delivery service
  • Incorrect deliveries, e.g. delivered to the wrong address.
  • Billing issues, e.g. errors with postage charges or other billing concerns that are not resolved through normal channels.
  • An issue with a product or service
  • If you believe we have been misleading when selling a product or service

Getting in touch with us

You can give feedback or file a complaint to Australia Post and StarTrack in several ways using the options listed below.

Options Ways to get in touch When to expect acknowledgement
Online form

Ways to get in touch

Please choose one of the forms below to provide feedback or make a complaint about a specific issue.

When to expect acknowledgement

On submission


Ways to get in touch

Help and Support Chat

When to expect acknowledgement

On submission


Ways to get in touch

In Australia: 13 76 78 (13POST)
Overseas: +61 3 8340 7239
Business: 13 11 18


To make calling easier, you might like to:

When to expect acknowledgement

On submission


Ways to get in touch

You can speak with someone from our team at any Post Office across Australia to help you lodge a complaint.


Use our Post Office locator tool to find one that’s close to you.

When to expect acknowledgement

Can aid with lodging a complaint 

Social media

Ways to get in touch


When to expect acknowledgement

1 business day


Ways to get in touch

Australia Post 

Customer Sales and Service 

GPO Box 9911 


When to expect acknowledgement

Regular letter delivery times 3-7 Business days

Information we'll need from you

  • Your details: Your name and how we can best contact you (unless you wish to remain anonymous and do not need a response).
  • Information about your complaint: Tell us what went wrong
  • Give details related to your complaint: Such as tracking numbers, account information or authorised representatives.

Complaints related to marketing or selling of a financial product, require extra details to ensure we meet ASIC requirements.

Personal information will be handled as outlined in our Privacy Statement and protected by relevant privacy laws.

How we handle complaints

We are committed to meeting customer needs and enhancing customer experiences and outcomes - today and into the future. We seek to resolve complaints and disputes in a prompt, fair and just manner.

Expected conduct during the complaint process